Get evidence-based answers

At CardioFind, we are transforming the management of cardiovascular health with our advanced cardiology chatbot, which utilizes cutting-edge artificial intelligence. Our mission is to equip healthcare professionals with the educational resources necessary for accurate diagnoses by facilitating direct communication with publicly available European guidelines, textbooks, and expert notes, ultimately ensuring improved patient outcomes through education.

Cardiofind A.I. is still in beta stage and is therefore under continuous development.

Make sure to read our disclaimer before you start using it.

Intelligent Insights

Our AI-driven platform analyzes patient data to generate actionable insights, helping clinicians make informed decisions quickly. With real-time data processing, you can trust that you're using the most relevant information available.

Continuous Learning

The more you use it, the smarter Cardiofind becomes. Our continuous machine learning technology ensures that every interaction enhances its capabilities, providing you with increasingly accurate insights.


Cardiofind allows users to easily ask questions in their own native language. This universal approach ensures that everyone can fully benefit from its various features, regardless of their specific language preferences and needs.

Cardiofind, a European cardiology educational chatbot, is not a medical device and cannot be used in the United States. It is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be relied upon by healthcare professionals for making diagnoses or treatment decisions. Medical professionals must exercise their own judgment and expertise when evaluating patients, and Cardiofind should not be considered a replacement for professional medical advice. Read also the full disclaimer.